Pre-requisites: Metamask and Metamask account. Internet.
1. Sign up for Circles.
2. Obtain DAI in your Metamask account while connected to Ethereum Mainnet.
3. Convert your DAI to xDAI on the POA Bridge UI, while connected to the Ethereum Mainnet.
- Select how much DAI you want to transfer. Hint: you only need 0.12 (0.02 to cover costs of sending the xDAI to your circle account address).
- Confirm the transaction in your Metamask account.
- Select the network tab in your metamask. CustomRPC
- Select ‘Custom RPC’
- Enter in the following:
- Network name: xDAI
- New RPC URL:
- Chain ID: 100
- Symbol: xDAI
- Block Explorer URL:
- Select the xDAI network in Metamask in the same dropdown.
- 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F — xDAI token address
- Click ‘Add Token’ in your Metamask account while connected to the xDAI network.
- Select ‘Custom Token’
- Enter in the address: 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F (xDAI token address on Ethereum mainnet)
6. Obtain your Circle’s address from the ‘Share Profile’ link
- Back in Circle, you should see the verification page requesting 3 trust verifications.
- Copy and paste your share profile address into a text editor of your choice.
- The address after ‘profile/’ in the Circles URL is your Circles address.
The 0x5fcffCf56D228B245803FEe1d623a256710B4053 is your address.
7. Send 0.1 xDAI to your Circle’s address
- Use Metamask on the xDAI network to send 0.1 xDAI to your Circles Address.
- Wait for success on the etherscan tx.
- Click on xDAI
- Click on the pending transaction,
- Click the arrow sign to the upper right hand corner to see another browser open with the transaction status.
- Wait for ‘Success’, and probably about 8 block confirmations, and then …
8. Refresh your Circle verification page!
9. Congratulations! You’ve verified yourself on Circles! Enjoy your UBI!